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Evana Notandi frá fornöld 10 stig

Re: Rangfærslur og atvinnurógur

í Tilveran fyrir 20 árum, 4 mánuðum
I quit becuse Iceland Animations were not paying me! AND Brynjar broke in to My home/room!!! you promised us at least 300 thousand when we left and I haven't seen ANYTHING! and LAST TIME the table was only worth 70 thous, wierd how the price went up!! (another lie) as for that payslip..for 6 months we got 30 thousand.. wow.. Brynjar was boasting to my stepdad that he got at least 7 mill for the Office one deal.. I CREATED THAT CHARACTER!! Brynjar WILL receive a letter from a lawyer around...

Re: there is a fraud going on at Iceland Animations!

í Tilveran fyrir 20 árum, 4 mánuðum
ha! thori ad vedja ad thu taladir vid brynjar.. that voru adeins 3 teiknarar, Eg,(character honnudur) Kath(litari) Paac(bakgrunns teiknari) en thad eru bara einn Islanskur teiknari thar Nuna, paac. Their lata gera allt nuna i 3rd world animation studios svo their fa allt “cheap” svo their aettu ad eiga efni a ad borga okkur that sem their skulda okkur. Eg mun fara I mal vid tha. Enging kemur framm vid manneskjur eins og “Slaves” leingur..

Re: there is a fraud going on at Iceland Animations!

í Tilveran fyrir 20 árum, 4 mánuðum
ha! thori ad vedja ad thu taladir vid brynjar.. that voru adeins 3 teiknarar, Eg,(character honnudur) Kath(litari) Paac(bakgrunns teiknari) en thad eru bara einn Islanskur teiknari thar Nuna, paac. Their lata gera allt nuna i 3rd world animation studios svo their fa allt “cheap” svo their aettu ad eiga efni a ad borga okkur that sem their skulda okkur. Eg mun fara I mal vid tha. Enging kemur framm vid manneskjur eins og “Slaves” leingur..

Re: there is a fraud going on at Iceland Animations!

í Tilveran fyrir 20 árum, 4 mánuðum
you promised us at least 300 thousand when we left and I haven't seen ANYTHING! and last time the table was only worth 70 thous, wierd how the price went up!! (another lie) AND I quit becuse Iceland Animations were not paying me! AND Brynjar broke in to My room!!! as for that payslip..for 6 months we got 30 thousand.. wow.. Brynjar was boasting to my step dad that he got at least 7 mill for the Office one deal.. I CREATED THAT CHARACTER!! Brynjar WILL receive a letter from a lawyer around...

Re: there is a fraud going on at Iceland Animations!

í Tilveran fyrir 20 árum, 4 mánuðum
eg er ad vinna ad mali gegn Iceland Animations en their halda ad eg get ekki gert neitt i thvi! en eg skal sina theim! bwahahaha!! XD (that's why this NEEDS to spread!)

Re: there is a fraud going on at Iceland Animations!

í Tilveran fyrir 20 árum, 4 mánuðum
eg helt ad thatd mundi vera oskiljanlegt ef eg mundi skrifa a islansku.. eda allavega hljoma asnalega ^_^ en thad ar varla hvad thetta var um :P

Re: Hættulega flottar myndir!!

í Myndasögur fyrir 22 árum, 6 mánuðum
thu heldur ad augllisinga stofur mundu vilja mig? en eg er 17 ‘ara :P munu oruglega hlaija ad m’er :P en takk fyrir abendinguna.. :) eg er ad fara heim fljotlega, that er kona sem heitir gudrun hanna og hun er ad reina ad gefa ut barnabok fyrir jolin og seigist vilja mig til ad myndskreita hana :) eg vona ad henni heppnist ad gefa hana ut :p og eg er forvitin,hvernig breituru liklabordi yfir i islenskt? :) Eva~

Re: Hættulega flottar myndir!!

í Myndasögur fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
aw! thank you! :D *is a happy kitty* i'm glad to hear that ya like! well.. i don't think i would be able to sell any of those. *pokes them* or can i? i have sold pictures in comissions thogh, when pepole contact me and pay me to do a picture for them.. that's fun :)

Re: Smá spurning Hvenær teiknaðiru eitthvað af viti síðast??

í Myndasögur fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
well, i'm kinda always drawing.. but i don't know when i did any sirious drawings, but Yesterday i did this Gargoyle picture, :3 it takes a bit of a time to load, it's a side7 link. just copy and paste! :) and sorry for the English, i'm in England right now and there are ~no~ icelantic letters on this keyboard.

Re: comments?

í Myndasögur fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
yay!! :D my new e-mail is ^_^ would love to hear from you! :D

Re: Hvernig lærðuð þið...?

í Myndasögur fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
Ingapinka - eeeeeee!! ^_^ thanks! and i love your as well, so cool characters ya got ^_^ oh, it's great here in england.. i'm so happy with GoldWolf :D i'm selling some of my pictures to, for lods of ££! *does a litle happy dance* :)

Re: Hvernig lærðuð þið...?

í Myndasögur fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
i'm sorry but i can't type on icelantic, the keyboard i got dosen't have icelantic letters, (i'm in england right now)and trust me, i spell worce on icelandic :( *sad*

Re: hm... að lita..

í Anime og manga fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
i think that the Adobe Photoshop programs are the best, my frends uses them andit comes out so pro :P Adobe Photoshop 5.0 - 5.5 and so on.. you are suposte to be able to find them in BT

Re: comments?

í Myndasögur fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
hi Demadema! ee!! *huggels ya* i still love that great picture ya did 4 me! and i do love all your other art as well.. just sutch a cool style! *pokes it* :) hmm makes me wanna draw a picture 4 ya too ~squee!!~ ——————————– Evana's place on side7

Re: Hvernig lærðuð þið...?

í Myndasögur fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
oooo… why have i never noticed this before :) *looks around* hi :) comunaty of artists! yay! can i join in? sorry i'm tiping on english, just i got a keyboard with no Icelantic letters in it +_+ but i'm a 17 years old ice girly ^_^ *looks at all the cool pictures* cool! i love them ^_^ maibey ya wanna see mine? *giggels* that didin't sound right somehow 0_o here are my things ~ it takes 4 EVER to load thogh.

Re: Gargoyles eða Steinþursar

í Sjónvarpsefni fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
hi! og, i'm a huge Gargoyle fan, and sadly all the shows that weer made were shown on Iceland, the reasone why it was canncelled, was becuse, Disney were the once who made them, and they thoght that it was to mutch of punching and core sences, and simply pulled the plug out of it all. Greg Westman, the creator of the shows Gargoyles wes going to make Goliath and Elisa have a child! how shitty is it of disney to cancell the shows when Elisa and Goliath is gonna finally have a relationship??...
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