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Elrond Notandi frá fornöld 48 ára karlmaður
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Lög í Usa, sýna að þeir eru til fyrirmyndar!!!!!!! (6 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum
These are real standing laws from around the United States of America. Hope you enjoy them and remember, Law Enforcement is no Joke! Alabama: 1. It is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle. Alaska: 1. It is illegal to push a live moose out of a moving airplane. Arkansas: 1. A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month. 2. Flirtation between the members of the opposite sex on the streets of Little Rock may result in a 30 day jail term. California:...

Nick Cave (0 álit)

í Músík almennt fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
Veit einhver hvað mun kosta á Nick Cave?<br><br>——————— Live Long and Prospe

Some Jokes (1 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Top 10 reasons computers must be male 10. They have a lot of data but are still clueless. 9. A better model is always just around the corner. 8. They look nice and shiny until you bring them home. 7. It is always necessary to have a backup. 6. They'll do whatever you say if you push the right buttons. 5. The best part of having either one is the games you can play. 4. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on. 3. The lights are on but nobody's home. 2. Big power surges knock...

Engineer goes to hell (3 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
An engineer dies and reports to the Pearly Gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says: “Ah, you're an engineer, but you worked for a high-tech startup company and got rich. You had your good life, you can't come in here.” So the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in. Pretty soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements. After a while, they've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators. The...

Vá mikið notað (2 álit)

í Borðaspil fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Ekki mikill umferð hér (veit samt ekki hvenær þetta byrjaði) <br><br>——————— Live Long and Prospe

Some jokes (7 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Making the most of your IT department 1. When IT say they're coming right over, log out and go for coffee. It's no problem for us to remember 700 network passwords. 2. When you call us to have your computer moved, be sure to leave it buried under half a ton of postcards, baby pictures, stuffed animals, dried flowers, bowling trophies and children's art. We don't have a life, and we find it deeply moving to catch a fleeting glimpse of yours. 3. When IT send you an e-mail with high importance,...

Sjónvarpsefni á Íslandi (8 álit)

í Sjónvarpsefni fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Tilefni þessarar greinar er umræðan um Spaugstofuna. Eftir að hafa lesið það allt fannst mér ég verða að leggja eitthvað til málanna. Ég horfi þó nokkuð á sjónvarp og verð bara að segja að íslenst dagskrárefni er bara hreinlega ekki áhorfandi. Að Ríkið(ég og þú) skuli eyða peningum í það er bara hreint og beint glæpur. Þó má undanskilja íslenskar bíómyndir, enda yfirleitt um einkafjármagn að hluta til í þeim. Einnig þó að einkareknarstöðvar séu að sýna innlenda framleiðslu, þá er það ansi...

Áhugamál? (9 álit)

í Hugi fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Ég vildi bara spyrja hvernig startar maður nýju áhugamáli?<br><br>——————— Live Long and Prospe

A Night In Sickbay (10 álit)

í Sci-Fi fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Án efa fyndnasti Enterprise þáttur sem ég hef séð. Og holy s*** T'pal á hlaupahjóli, hélt ég myndi deyja á staðnum þegar ég sá hana :)<br><br>——————— Live Long and Prospe

Guð eða ekki Guð (22 álit)

í Heimspeki fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Þessi eilífa spurning um hvort Hann/Hún sé til. Ég lenti sjálfur í mjög alvarlegu bílslysi fyrir um 13 mánuðum, ég slapp á lífi (eins og þið getið séð). Málið er bara það að átti ég að fallast á bæn þegar ég rankaði við mér á sjúkrahúsi og þakka einhverju sem er ekki til? Ég var nátturulega með þessa barnatrú þegar ég var yngri og var meiri segja altarisdrengur, en eftir því sem maður hefur lifað lengur að þá hefur trúin breyst. Á eftir barnatrúnni fór ég að trúa því að þá væri til æðri...

6.26 million viewers (2 álit)

í Sci-Fi fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
“6.26 million viewers” á einn Enterprise þátt. Og síðan er verið að reyna að halda fram að það horfi enginn á þetta!!!<br><br>——————— Live Long and Prospe

New missionary recruit (1 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
A new missionary recruit went to Venezuela for the first time. He was struggling with the language and didn't understand a whole lot of what was going on. Intending to visit one of the local churches, he got lost, but eventually got back on track and found the place. Having arrived late, the church was already packed. The only pew left was the one on the front row. So as not to make a fool of himself, he decided to pick someone out of the crowd to imitate. He chose to follow the man sitting...

Sermon (1 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
One day Mrs. Jones went to have a talk with the minister at the local church. “Reverend,” she said, “I have a problem, my husband keeps falling asleep during your sermons. It's very embarrassing. What should I do?” “I have an idea,” said the minister. “Take this hatpin with you. I will be able to tell when Mr. Jones is sleeping, and I will motion to you at specific times. When I motion, you give him a good poke in the leg.” In church the following Sunday, Mr. Jones dozed off. Noticing this,...

Beer makes you smarter (4 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
A herd of buffalo can move only as fast as the slowest buffalo, and when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular attrition of the weakest members. In much the same way the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, we all know, kills brain cells, but...

The Inebriation Scale (0 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
0- Stone cold sober. Brain as sharp as an army bayonet. 1- Still sober. Pleasure senses activated. Feeling of well-being. 2- Beer warming up head. Crisps are ordered. Barmaid complimented on choice of blouse. Barmen complimented on nice trousers. 3- Crossword in newspaper is filled in. After a while blanks are filled with random letters and numbers. 4- Barmaid complimented on choice of bra/Barmen complimented on his boxers. Partially visible when bending to get packets of crisps. Try to...

Blondes trying to identify tracks (0 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Three blondes are walking in the woods. They come across a set of tracks. The 1st blonde looks closely and says: “Those are moose tracks”. The 2nd blonde crouches down and examines the tracks. “No, those are rabbit tracks,” she says. The 3rd blonde gets down on her hands and knees, checking the tracks very closely. “You're both wrong,” she says. “Those are tiger tracks.” They began to argue about exactly what type of tracks they had found. They were still arguing when the train hit them....

A blonde tries to buy a TV (0 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
A blonde went into a electronic store and she asked on of the staff how much a tv was. The staff said “sorry we dont sell to blondes.” She went home and the next day she came back as a brunette. She asked one of the staff “how much is that tv?” He said “sorry we dont sell to blondes.” She went home. The next day, she came back as a red head and she asked one of the staff “how much is this tv? He said ”sorry we dont sell to blondes.“ She said ”I have come back here as a brunette and a red...

The Mirror of truth (0 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
There is a mirror in a women's restroom in a restauraunt. If you say something truthful while looking into the mirror, you will receive 1 wish. If you say some that's not truthful the mirror will suck you in. First this fine looking brunette walks in. She takes a look at herself in the mirror and says, “I think I'm the prettiest women in the world.” And just like that she's sucked in. Next this amazingly beautiful redhead women saunters in, looks in the mirror, and says, “I think I'm the...

Top 10 dumb blonde inventions (0 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
1) The waterproof towel 2) Solar powered torch 3) Submarine screen door 4) A book on how to read 5) Inflatable dart board 6) A dictionary index 7) Ejector seat in a helicopter 8) Powdered water 9) Pedal-powered wheel chair 10)Waterproof tea bag <br><br>——————— Live Long and Prospe

Ehemm (3 álit)

í Sci-Fi fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Mér finnst stjórnendur þessa áhugamáls ekki vera allveg nógu virkir. Kannski er það bara vegna þess að ekki kemur nóg efni inn, ég bara veit það ekki. Annars er frágangur á því fínn, bara ekki nógu oft skipt um hluti á forsíðu. (Nú fæ ég að heyra það:)<br><br>——————— Live Long and Prospe

Sjálfstraust (3 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Toppurinn á sjálfsöryggi: Mýfluga sem flýtur á bakinu niður Ölfusá með standpínu, öskrandi opnið brúna, oppnniðð helvítis brúnaaaa!!!<br><br>——————— Live Long and Prospe

Postman Pat (4 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Postman Pat It was Postman Pat's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the post through all kinds of weather to the same neighbourhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route, he was greeted by the whole family there, who all hugged and congratulated him and sent him on his way with a gift cheque for $500. At the second house they presented him fine Cuban cigars in an 18-carat gold box. The folks at the third house handed him a case of 30-year old Scotch whisky. At the...

Smekkleysi íslenskra auglýsingastofa (14 álit)

í Tolkien fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Óska eftir lögfræðingsáliti á að hvort sé hægt að kæra þann sem bjó til körfuboltaauglýsingu þar sem notað er efni frá Tolkien.<br><br>——————— Live Long and Prospe

Rip (10 álit)

í Sci-Fi fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Nú er Uss Saga látin. Hvíl í friði<br><br>Live Long and Prospe
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..