1. Facebook 2. Newgrounds 3. 4chan 4. Imagechan 5. Deiling 6. youtube 7. Gametrailers 8. The Escapist 9. hingað 10. Thatguywiththeglasses/Cinemassacre/Spoonyexperiment Svo þegar koma ný webcomic þá kíkí ég vanalega á: VgCats, Slackerz, Fanboys, Ctrl-Alt-Del, Penny Arcade, Digital Unrest, 8-bit Theatre, xkcd, Cyanide and Happiness, Looking for Group, Least I Could Do, Questionable Content, Sinfest og Girl Genius. Svo má alls ekki gleyma mínu vikulega dose-i af Zero Punctuation. Yahtzee...