Hvernig sendir maður teikningu á hann?<br><br><b>Sex does not sell!!!</b>
<i>Cory Matthews</i>
Ég myndi tékka á <a href="
http://www.tinni.tk“>Hinni Einu Sönnu Íslensku Tinnasíðu</a> ef ég væri þú
<b>Come with me if you want to live</b>
<i>Kyle Reese</i>
<b>I'll be back</b>
<i>The Terminator</i>
<b>I am a machine</b>
<i>The Terminator</i>
<b>You're terminated</b>
<i>Sarah Connor</i>
<b>Let's say I'm walking down the street and someone walks up to me and asks: ”What's the atomic weight of germanium," and now I'm finally going to be able to say: That's a plant, you idiot!</b>
<i>Cory Matthews</i