Ok hér er fyrsta bardaginn!!!
PS. er á ensku en kom ekki gengum net!
During the GulfWar, ultimate Wolverine worked in black ops for the Weapon X project. Thanks to his healing factor and adamatium claws and skeleton, ultimate Wolverine was the ultimate killing macchine.
Little is known about Wolverine's past, other than he worked intelligence before being tapped for the Weapon X project. With his adamantium claws and skeleton and healing factor, Wolverine is the best what he does.
THE BATTLE.. Plucked out of their respective realities be the dimension-hopping Blink,Ultimate Wolverine and Wolverine are thrust together against their wills. Big mistake-the mission's forgotten and the pair are trying to tear out each other's throats. Logan peels off a piece of Ultimate's hide like a Fruit Roll-Up, but Ultimate retalaites with a claw thrust through Logan's torso that penetrates several organs. Logan literally tries to take Ultimate's legs away, but Ultimate counters by gouging out Logan's left eye. Several minutes go by, and the blood's flowing freely, enraging the two man-beasts even further. Being taller than Logan, Ultimate has the reach advantage, but decades of battling Sabretooth taught Wolverine about fighting bigger foes. Logan feints one way and quickly slips inside his foe's longer reach to stap away at Ultimate's midsection. Bits of pancreas, liver kidneys and interine go flying like straw in harricane, and a minute later, Ultimate's lying in a bloody heap at Logan's feet. Logan's parting shot to the new kid on the block? “I'm still the best there is,bub.”
Svo ertu á móti að þetta endaði að classic wolverine vann eða sammála????