Ekki það að ég eigi neitt frá Apple, en mér finnst nú skrítið að ábyrgðin gildi ekki þótt tækin séu keypt í BNA eða Evrópu.
Var að lesa aðeins á Apple síðunni og fann þetta:
How to get your iPod servicedIt's easy! Complete the iPod service request form to receive service for your iPod or accessory. If your iPod requires warranty service, Apple will send you a prepaid shipping box you should use to send your iPod to Apple's repair center.
Note: If you are in Europe, please take your iPod to a local Apple Authorised Service Provider (AASP). To locate an AASP, go to the main Apple website for your country and click the “Where to Buy” option on the top right of the page). In Australia, you can use the web form or you can bring your iPod to an AASP."