Fyrrverandi KTM ökumaðurinn Joel Smets slasaðist í einhverji bikarmóts keppni í síðustu viku þegar hann var að keyra nýja RMZ 450 Suzuki hjólið sitt. Það verður gaman að fylgjast með honum á nýju hjóli á móti Stefan Everts og Michal Pichon sem er einnig á nýju hjóli(Honda), Joel Smets er búin að keppa einusinni við Everts
eftir að hann fékk nýja RMZ 450 Suzuki hjólið og hann gerði sér lítið fyrir og vann
Joel sagði:
“My knee was painful and started to swell so that it was almost twice the size,” said Smets.

“I was allowed to leave Italy on Monday and went straight to my doctor in Belgium. After X-rays and an MRI scan I saw that the anterior ligament had been completely ripped away and I had also damaged some of the meniscus.

”Luckily the posterior was OK, this meant that an operation was not immediately necessary and I had a chance of being able to start the season.

"I’ve never had this type of injury so I am not sure what to expect. My physical condition should be fine. I can start cycling and swimming in the next week.