fyrir að koma með lame ástæðu…. mér hefur í raun verið hennt út úr 2 guildum. fyrsta fyrir að logga ekki inn í 3-4 mánuði (mér að kenna og skil þá alveg) og næsta fyrir þetta.
someone sayd: hey you ever watch comercial and say to yourself “hey it worked on TV i must get it.”
i replyed: no not really
then i added: well unless its for guns designed to kill people
next line is Ezithau has been kikcked from the guild.
i sent a tell to the leader asking WTF whyd you kick me.
she replyed: sorry didnt want to but alot of people complained about that statement.
now i every time they comercialize for new members i always say: dont forget to add sensitive
practicing curling is like practicing retardism. pointless and stupid