Það getur verið algjört HELL að fá sér voða fínan armor, fara út í óbyggðirnar og vera svo drepinn og viðkomandi tekur allt stuffið þitt.
Hvað ætlarðu að gera svo? Fá þér nýtt, nýtt og svo aftur nýtt? Í guildinu mínu, Realm of Kridain, eru craftarar sem gera ekki annað en að crafta allan daginn og gefa þér glænýtt armor um leið og þú deyrð.
Ekkert vesen með það. Og svo eru rankar innan guildsins.. Militaman, Knight, Squire o.s.frv. Æðsta staðan er Duke. Ef þú skráir þig, ekki gleyma að hafa Keldir Redow sem referrer. ;)

Viltu ekki verða loner þegar Darkfall kemur út? Ef svo er, þá er ég í clani sem mig langar til að koma sem flestum í til að við “lifum af”. ;P Realm of Kirdain. RoK er með 155 members minnir mig og eitt subguild. Við erum mjög skipulagðir - það eru deildir, t.d. 27th infantry league

The Realm of Kirdain was founded May 17, 2006. It was built on the foundation of a Guild Wars guild by the name of Durance Of Fate. Fate, as it would seem, led Korgy and Thor to the world of Agon. They realized like the phoenix that the Durance Of Fate must be reborn from the ashes of its former self. They brought with them the concepts of a family friendly environment and the feeling of true fellowship between its members.

Mission Statement
The Mission of the Kirdain is to promote a family friendly environment and to create a kingdom in the land of Mercia that we can call our own. With our land we will defend our borders from other clan/guilds that attempt to take it away from us and even go to the measure of launching the first strike to make sure all threats to the safety and prosperity of Kirdain are upheld. After this has been achieve we will move on to conquest of surround clan/guilds that may threaten the peace of Kirdain.

The Realm of Kirdain is based on the feudal system of government that was common throughout Europe during the Medieval Age. The Lords of Kirdain are the leaders but more commonly called in that age as Rulers. Unlike their europen counterparts, the Lords of Kirdain disagree with the belief that their Citizens must serve them. The Realm of Kirdain replaces that belief with one that states that the Noblemen serve the Citizens and the Lords being the Servants of Servants.

Kirdain is inhabited by the Mirdain, Dwarves, and Humans making up the majority. Kirdain is not a military stricted nation but one who also enjoys a prosperous economy. We welcome the pure-hearted fighters along with the tinkering crafters into the Realm's borders. The Realm of Kirdain prides itself on our strong armies and naval forces.