Hér koma nokkrar spurningar varðandi Darkfall:
1. Er komin beta af leiknum?
2. Er einhver server sem allir stefna á að spila í, (Íslendingar).
3. Er ekki málið að koma Íslendingum saman á einn server og gera bæ og skip og eitthvað fínerí?
3. Nei. Endilega látið vita samt ef þið gerið það, ætti að verða gaman að brenna niður eitt stykki Íslendinga bæ.
Because it is vocally oriented, sarcasm can be difficult to grasp in written form and is easily misinterpreted. To prevent this some people end sarcastic comments on the Internet with an emoticon, emphasize words with italics, bold, and/or underlining (e.g. That's just great), or surround them with a made-up markup language tag, e.g. *sarcasm*, <sarcasm> or <snicker>. Sarcasm is also achievable through written language by using capitalization to emphasize certain words. For example: “Well isn’t THAT just fantastic.”
In the UK and some other countries, writing has adopted the use of (!) (an exclamation mark in parentheses) following speech in which sarcasm or irony is perceptible via the tone of voice, a punctuation mark which is very regularly seen in subtitles.