LVL—–MOB—————-NPC————-NPC Location
21——Fire Ants———-Seiml———–Ft. Veldon
22——Treekeeps———-Sentry Crush—-Gna
23——Cursed Morras——Trunk———–Ft. Atla
24——Wood Rats———-Sentry Thuger—Gna
26——Mephitic ghouls—-Linna———–Mularn
27——WW Warders———Otkel———–Galplen
28——White Wolfs——–Svewn———–Svasud Faste
29——Biting Winds——-Sissel———-Svasud Faste
30——Mud Frogs———-Og————–Ft. Atla
31——Snow Giants——–Beni————Vinsaul Fatse
32——Timber Badgers—–Ohar————Galplen
33——Snow Crabs———Mildri———-Vasudheim
34——WW Churls———-Ysunic———-Galplen
35——Mud Crabs———-Thyra———–Galplen
36——Black Orms———Tallya———-Galplen
37——Frost Giants——-Jolgeir———Audliten
38——Terra Crabs——–Gudrid———-Galplen
39——Block of Ice——-Jordan———-Audliten
40——Forest Vipers——Galena———-Galplen
All of the above listed Kill Tasks have their own detailed write-ups. For more specific details pertaining to locations of MOBS etc, please refer to the corresponding write-up.
Another list submitted to us which has a few variations from the above is as follows:
Veldon, Seiml, Larva, Fire Ant Gatherer, 21 (21)
Gna, Sentry Crush, Tree Sap, TreeKeep, 22 (22)
Hagger, Sinmora, Ashmonger, Obsidian, 23-25 (23)
Gna, Sentry Thuger, Rat Tail, Wood Rat, 24-25 (24)
Alta, Trunk, Scroll, Cursed Mora, 25 (25)
Mularn, Linna, Melted Flesh, Mephitic Ghoul, 26-28 (26)
Gal, Otkol, Ear, WW Warder, 27-30 (27)
Svasud, Svewn, Wolf Fang, White Wolf, 27-31
Svasud, Sissel, Eye, Biting Wind, 29-33 (29)
Alta, Ug, Tongue, Mud Frog, 30-38 (30)
Vindsaul, Benni, Ice Water, Snow Giant, 30-33 (31)
Gal, Ohaz, Stomach, Timberland Badger, 32-33 (32)
Vasudheim, Mildri, Claw, Giant Snowcrab, 33-34 (33)
Gal, Ysunoic, Pearl, WW Churl, 34 (34)
Gal, Thyra, Claw, Mud Crab, 32-38 (35)
Aud, Jolqeir, Cold Blood, Frost Giant, 37-39 (36)
Gal, Gudrid, Claw, Terra Crab, 38-40 (37)
Aud, Jordan, Ice Creature Corpse, Ice Creature, 39
Gal, Galena, Forest Viper Venom, Forest Viper, 40-44 (39)
Galplan, Tallya, Glands, Black Orm 40-45 (40)
Gal, Nikgor, Drakulv Scales, Drakulv, 41 (41)
We also have a listing of additional quests, but are uncertain of the level requirements.
Feather———————-Aged Boreal Cockatrice——–Jordheim—–Haylei
Digested Skull—————Bone Eaters Eviscerater——-Audliten—–Leim
Aurora Corpse—————-Bright Aurora—————–Jordheim—–Kvasir
Clay————————-Clay Jotun——————–Galplen——Gord
Silver-gemmed Collar———Enslaved Orm Runner———–Fort Veldon–Liv
Troll Teeth——————Fallen Troll——————Fort Veldon–Hlif
Fenrir Tracker Paw———–Fenrir Tracker—————-Vasudheim—-Galagore
Vial of Ghastly Vapors——-Ghastly Albion Invader——–Audliten—–Osk
Ghostly Necklace————-Ghostly Hibernian Invader—–Fort Veldon–Sydney
Pages of an Ancient Tome—–Hagbui Runemaster————-Gna Faste—-Alrik
Jeweled Shaman Totem———Hagbui Shaman—————–Vasudheim—-Yosef Angor
Spirit Stone—————–Hagbui Spiritmaster———–Mularn——-Lyna
Iceberg Teeth—————-Iceberg———————–Audliten—–Trapper Jora
Frosted Grimel Root———-Icestrider Chiller————Huginfell—-Runolf
Glowing Red Eye————–Icestrider Interceptor——–Jordheim—–Kkor
Vials of Shimmering Essence–Pale Aurora——————-Vasudheim—-Kristen
Ice Shard——————–Shard Golem——————-Fort Atla—-Helja
Trap String——————Svartalf Foister————–Jordheim—–Jorun
Svartalfar Poison Recipes—-Svartalf Infiltrator———-Huginfell—-Rorik
Frozen Tears—————–Wintery Dirge—————–Huginfell—-Dail <br><br>Kwai