Prog rock er ekki bara ein hljómsveit:
Progressive rock is difficult to define conclusively and to everyone's satisfaction, as the above bands bear little resemblance to one another in their respective sounds and fan bases. Outspoken King Crimson leader Robert Fripp has voiced his disdain for the term. Indeed, in some cases the bands themselves or well-known critics would question whether one or another of the above bands fit the term “progressive rock” as it is now defined by the music industry and by many fans. There is also debate on whether artists and bands as varied as The Moody Blues, Frank Zappa, Phish, Tool and The Flaming Lips belong to the genre.
Þetta er umdeilanlegt eins og svo margt annað og til lítils að rífast um það frekar. Wikipedia listar þá sem prog. rock, meðan að allmusic listar þá sem prog. metal. Hvað sem öllum deilum líður þá eru þeir klárlega undir miklum prog. rock áhrifum og vel hægt að lista þá sem slíkt band.