Gleymt lykilorð


7.747 eru með Metall sem áhugamál
58.506 stig
1.204 greinar
8.398 þræðir
88 tilkynningar
5 pistlar
3.885 myndir
885 kannanir
238.125 álit


thorok thorok 2.902 stig
dordingull dordingull 2.132 stig
aceshigh aceshigh 720 stig
hamrotten hamrotten 588 stig
JohnnyB JohnnyB 558 stig
Naridill Naridill 524 stig
olig olig 518 stig


Cephalic Carnage (26 álit)

Cephalic Carnage Fokking geðveikt band. Shit.

World Painted Blood (16 álit)

World Painted Blood Ný plata væntanleg frá Slayer núna þriðja nóvember, og hefur hún hlotið nafnið World Painted Blood. Vona að hann verði betri en Christ Illusion. Annars hefur Tom gefið það út að hann sé að verða of gamall fyrir þennan skít þannig að þetta verður væntanlega einn af síðustu Slayer diskunum.

Official Track Listing:

1. World Painted Blood
2. Unit 731
3. Snuff
4. Beauty Through Order
5. Hate Worldwide
6. Public Display Of Dismemberment
7. Human Strain
8. Americon
9. Psychopathy Red
10. Playing With Dolls
11. Not Of This God

avril (59 álit)

avril avril lavigne besta metalsöngkona í heimi. elska hana :**

Tónleikar í kvöld (4 álit)

Tónleikar í kvöld á Grand Rokk byrja kl 22:30

Carpe Noctem

Kaffi Hljómalind (18 álit)

Kaffi Hljómalind Hljómalind er að hætta og nú um helgina verða þessir gúrmet tónleikar. Fáránlegt að þetta hafi ekkert verið kynnt hér á Huga. Ég veit að þetta er ekki bara metall en stór hluti af þessu er í þyngir kantinum sýnist mér. Ég ætla allavega að fara að sjá Decimation Dawn og discord. Mögulega Manslaughter líka og kannski Bróðir Svartúlfs.

Ingurgitating Oblivion - Voyage Towards Abhorrence (2 álit)

Ingurgitating Oblivion - Voyage Towards Abhorrence Alltof overlooked plata jááá

þýskt dauðarokk

Obscura - gorguts (4 álit)

Obscura - gorguts Af wikipedia.

Obscura is the third album by Gorguts. It is seen as one of the most technical and complex albums within the death metal genre, consisting of many experimental and dissonant melodies, and strange rhythms.

Obscura was defined by reviewers, as “complex” and “dissonant”.[3][4][5][6][7] The album received praise for its production, with the reviewer of the webzine Chronicles of Chaos, saying that Obscura “has the power to take its listeners to other worlds of astounding beauty, dark mystery and intense complexity.”[3] With a less broad vision and regarding only the production itself, a writer of the Dark Legions Archive stated:[5]

Powerful mixing technique went into this release to preserve the clarity of individual instruments despite their simultaneously divergent tonal and rhythmic properties, preserving both sound and timbre to a high degree.

From ‘Sound Delirium’ reviewer Killa Bee[8]

Take death metal riffs, but make them schizophrenic beyond any music that is psychotic and does not fall completely into the spaces that some might call “noise”, “free”, “improvisations”, or just “cacophonous”.

Pardo—along with William York of Allmusic—compared Obscura with the free-form jazz of Captain Beefheart, stating that the album “takes all conventional ideas of what extreme metal should sound like and throws them out the window.”[4][6] York categorized Obscura, as “one of the most challenging, difficult albums ever released within the metal genre.”[6] Others reviewers concluded that Obscura is “very difficult to make comparisons”, and even those who did, reached the same conclusion.[3][4]

In terms of its towering complexity and unprecedented strangeness, Obscura has a lot more in common with Captain Beefheart's avant-rock monstrosity Trout Mask Replica than it does the latest Cannibal Corpse release.

Tónleikar í Hljómalind á laugardaginn (2 álit)

Tónleikar í Hljómalind á laugardaginn Logn, Swords of Chaos, Góði dátinn, Muck

Keep of Kalessin - Armada (4 álit)

Keep of Kalessin - Armada Ótrúlega epískur black metall. Top spilun og top gæði.
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..