Vikernes is formerly a member of Cymophane, the neo-Nazi group (NSBM) Hvit Arisk Motstand (White Aryan Resistance)
My hope would be that Burzum could inspire people to wish for a new and better reality in the real world, and hopefully do something about it. Maybe revolt against the modern world, by refusing to participate in the rape of Mother Earth, by refusing to participate in the murder of our European race
A Burzum Story: Part IX - The Tomorrow
There are several characters named Varg Vikernes in Norway. One is the demonized, alienated, pilloried and ostracized bugbear denounced by the Jew-press and the so-called judicial system in Norway.
Varg er tr00 black metalistiHann sagð nú að hann hafi aldrei nokkurntíman haft eitthvað með black metal að gera og að tónlistin hans væri ekki black metal…