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Wacken 2009 er SOLD OUT!

Þetta er ekki eðlilegt…

Partur af tilkynningunni frá Wacken:

“Dear Metalheads,

the X-Mas days were amazing and topped everything – much sooner as we thought – in the old year we can announce:

”The Anniversary festival is SOLD OUT!“

Never before, a festival of this size was sold out 2 times within one year. But we are not chasing after records - we “only” want to create a great festival for you and are working on it since more than 20 years now and standing in responsibility and duty for the best fans in the world!

We thank you all for your amazing support and loyalty!

Further info like bands, area maps, advancements to 2008 as well as further actions, podcasts, video clips and surprises will follow in the next year!”

Ég veit ekki betur en að danski framkvæmdaaðilinn hafi tryggt sér nóg af miðum og eigi eitthvað eftir, þannig að það er enn pláss í hópferðina.
Resting Mind concerts