
Var að fá eftirfarandi í pósti, en mér sýnist gott - ef ekki ‘áhugavert’ - til glóðarinnar hjá þessum ágætis drengjum:

25.10.2007 - Hellhammer joins forces with King and Gaahl
Continuing on with the new agenda now forged for Gorgoroth, Gaahl and King have enlisted none other than Hellhammer (Mayhem) to join them on battery beginning in 2008.

Gaahl and King are creating a force which will only contain members of a strong and creative energy in honor of the art that is Gorgoroth and their renewed sense of destruction and war! Hellhammer possesses these ideals and he will add another dimension to this new and different beginning.

Please welcome Hellhammer to the battle!

Sjá: www.gorgoroth.org
