Myndbandið við Redneck


Haha, steypa. Svo fyrir þá sem hafa ekki séð það en söngvarinn er baaaaaaaaaaaaald.

En ég var að uppgötva yndislegan texta, Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle með hljómsveitinni Dethklok úr þáttunum Metalocalypse!

Do you folks like coffee?
Real coffee's from the hills of Columbia!
Then Duncan Hills will wake you!
From a thousand deaths!
A cup of blackened blood
You're dying for a cup
Guatemalan Blend
French Vanilla Roast
You're dying for a cup
Prepare for ultimate flavor
Your gonna get some NOW
And scream for the cream
Duncan Hills, Duncan Hills, Duncan Hills Coffee

“We are here to make coffee, METAL! We will make everything, METAL!”

Mæli sterklega með þessum þáttum. Torrent =)