Jæja, hvað er það síðasta sem þið keyptuð ykkur ?
síðasta sem ég keypti mér var:
Iron Maiden - Edward the great (12“ limited picture disk edition)
Iron Maiden - Bring your daughter to the slaughter (12” vínyll)
Iron Maiden - The Evil that man do (7“ vínyl)
Iron Maiden - Phantom of the Opera (7” vínyll)
Iron Maiden - Rainmaker (DVD)
Iron Maiden - X Factor (CD)
Paul Di'anno & the killers - South American Assault Live (CD)
Judas Priest - Point of Entry (Eldgömul útgáfa)(CD)
Bruce Dickinson - Anthology (DVD)
Bruce Dickinson - Tyranny of Souls (CD)
Bruce Dickinson - Accident of Birth (CD)
Motörhead - Orgasmatron (CD)
Kreator - Revisioned Glory (Live) (DVD)