Á Official CC foruminu er hægt að spurja meðlimi hljómsveitarinnar (bara Alex Webster í augnablikinu) spurninga og var einn Íslendingur sem spurði hann um Ísland.

“As for Iceland, we're talking to a promoter right now, actually. What other bands have done to make a trip to Iceland cost effective is this: they book their flights to a full European tour on Iceland Air, and then they use the stop over in Iceland as the means to get there and play. This way, the local Iceland promoters can save cash on the flights, since the band is going to Europe anyway. We might try and do this, and stop in and play Iceland on the way back from our next European tour. The shows are not booked yet, so I don't want to give you any false hope, but check back on the official site for tour updates. We really want to play Iceland, and we are working on it. ”
