Merkilegt hvað þeir skíta samt rosalega yfir Phil, og þá líka Superjoint og Down (sem er brilliant band). Merkileg líka öll þessi Exhorder komment, þyrfti að ná mér í plötuna Slaughter in the vatican og sjá hvað the fuzz is about.
Annars fannst mér þetta nokkuð gott svar:
Translation of every Exhorder-related post in a Pantera thread:
“Look at me, I'm so cool! I'm going to claim that Pantera stole a much more underground band's sound and became popular, and that will earn me street cred! Gosh, guys, aren't I so fucking cool? I mean, I have to be cool, because Exhorder isn't mainstream like Pantera, and not being mainstream makes me cool and an individual.”
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