var bara að velta fyrir mér af hverju maður sér aldrei neitt hér um american head charge… eru svona fáir sem hafa kynnt sér þá eitthvað að viti eða er fólk einfaldlega bara ekki að fíla þá??
Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life
“American Head Charge (often referred to as Head Charge or abbreviated AHC) are an industrial metal band from Minneapolis, Minnesota USA. The band was formed in 1996, when vocalist Martin Cock and bassist Chad Hanks met up in a Minnesota rehabilitation center. They released their major-label debut album The War of Art in 2001 and a follow-up, The Feeding, in 2005. The band's sound has often been described as a cross between Ministry and Slipknot; they've covered the former and toured with the latter”
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