Þessu póstaði hann á megadeth forums:

“This place was really cool, volcanic landscapes, beautiful mountains, geysers and waterfalls. I'll have pics very soon of this marvel of a land. I never imagined it to be so beautiful. The 24 hour sunlight we never got used to but I guess you can't in just two days. You wake up at three am. and think that you're late for lobby call because it's bright outside. I can't imagine the winters here though, permanent darkness for months.WOW.

This was the perfect opportunity for the band to get new photo shots and things to be used for the press and fan club.

We had a couple guys take us to some really cool sites. I actually took some video of a geyser in action, felt like a little kid. It was rainy but that didn't stop us from seeing everything we could in what time we had. There were some huge waterfalls, one that looked like a shorter version of Niagara Falls. We went out to no'man's land which is a place where you stand between Eurasia and can see North America. Giant crevices that seperate lands were everywhere. We were treated to Icelandic soup at one of the lodges up there, lamb is great here, not like any other place I've visited.
We were told tales of trolls and elves as well.

It was a delightful place and one to mark down for a future vacation.

I hope to have some pics ready in the next week or so for the section so check them out. Peace, James”

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Hérna geturðu séð póstinn(þarft að vera skráður inn) http://forums.megadeth.com/showthread.php?p=3745888#post3745888