Ég trúi ekki mínum augum né eyrum:

Oh, and in case you care, St. Anger was charted in the the following countries:

USA 1 Canada 1 Norway 1
<b>Iceland</b> 1 Poland 1 France 3
Sweden 1 Finland 1 Denmark 1
Germany 1 Switzerland 2 Austria 3
Hungary 1 Holland 3 Belgium 3
Spain 2 Portugal 1 Mexico 1
Argentina 6 Venezuela 1 Hong Kong 3
UK 3 Ireland 4 Chile 2
Malaysia 3 Australia 1 Japan 1

En ég er örugglega eitthvað að bulla….

<b><font color=“#808080”>I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early.</font></b>
<b>- Charles Lamb</b>

<b><font color=“#808080”>In California, they don't throw their garbage away - they make it into TV shows.
</font></b><b>- Woody Allen</b>
