5. Shortest straw
4. Enter sandman
3. Fade to black
2. For whom the bell tolls
1. To live is to die….þetta lag er að mínu mati það besta og flottasta sem ég hef nokkurn tíma heyrt.<br><br><b> Bigity-biggidy bitch boy, halfway hauser
Don´t hear shit cuz I keeps gettin´ louder
Come up and you get a face full of´ tactic
Lippin´ off hard, goin´ home in a basket
You got no pull, no power, no nothin´
Now you start shit? Well ain´t that somethin´?
Payoffs don´t protect and you can hide if you want
But i´ll find you - comin´up behind you!</b>
<i>SlipKnoT - Spit it out</i>
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