“Ok. So THE story has gotten a little out of control. It's time we clear the rumors up. First of all, it was not real urine or a real penis. Secondly, Mike Patton was not arrested. Thirdly, it can all be blamed on Nu Metal. Really!
So Mike Patton and the band Tomahawk roll into London on March 10th for their triumphant packed show at the Astoria. Before the show, though, there was business to attend to. It turns out that several members of Nu Metals inner circle(who happened to be in London) had requested a pow wow with the Godfather of Nu Metal, Mike Patton. The topic for discussion was to get Mike's approval for a Faith No More tribute record as well as to mull over the multi-million dollar offer for a Faith No More reunion, Nu Metal festival tour. Attending the meeting were potential tour participants, Chino(Deftones), Brandon (Incubus), Fred(Limp Bizkit), Coby(Papa Roach), Joey(Slipknot) and Gavin(Bush) along with Mike Patton and Bill Gould(Faith No More).
The meeting was going smoothly until for an unknown reason, Patton stormed out of the meeting. He later told Tomahawk bandmate, John Stanier, that Chino was very drunk and making unrealistic demands having to do with financial issues. As Patton left the venue a member of the Astoria security crew grabbed him and told him to get his ”skinny little ass back in the meeting and make it happen!“. Mike refused and a shoving match ensued. After cooler heads prevailed the meeting was adjourned and Tomahawk prepared to take the stage. Before taking the stage Tomahawk bandmates Kevin Rutmanis and Duane Denison lightened Mike's dark mood by showing him the toys they purchased earlier in one of London's finest fetish stores. One of the items was a rubber dildo that squirts water. Mike decided that this would be the perfect prank to get even with the Nu Metal lovin' hooligan security guard.
I think everyone knows the rest of the story and has seen the pictures. When Mike was apprehended back stage and pulled the dildo from his pants, the tension was relieved and all parties had a laugh about it except the photographers at the front of the stage that thought it was real.
On a side note Mike did give his blessing to the tribute record but vetoed the Nu Metal festival… for now! Stay tuned!”
Þetta er helvíti góðar fréttir, að vissu leiti.. það er að segja að það sé möguleiki að hljómsveitin Faith no more komi saman aftur… kannski ekki á næstu mánuðum, en eftir nokkur ár vona ég.