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Ég hvet alla til að skrifa um sína uppáhalds klassísku metal plötu, í mínu tilfelli er það Rust In Peace en hér að neðan mun birtast mjög ítarleg grein um plötuna.
Allar heimildir eru teknar af unofficial Megadeth síðu.
“When the four of us, as we are now, got together and we made the record Rust in Peace I think we were onto something special.” (Ellefson, 1995)
Eftir að Jeff Young og Chuch Behler voru reknir, var hreinlega ekkert í gangi hjá Megadeth. Víðast hvar var uppi orðspor um að hljómsveitin væri hætt, Megadeth hafði engan trommara og engan lead gítarleikara og þar að auki voru Dave Mustaine og David Ellefson (junior) á kafi í neyslu. Margir héldu að Megadeth væru búnir að vera en það kom á daginn að fólkið hafði rangt fyrir sér, sem betur fer…
Ný von kviknaði hinsvegar þegar 12-þrepa meðferð Mustaine lauk og hljómsveitin tók upp cover af lagi Alice Cooper, “No More Mr. Nice Guy” þá með þeim Nick Menza og Marty Friedman sem hafði spilað með Jason Becker í Cacophony sem greindist síðar með ALS lömunarsjúkdóm (a.k.a Lou Gerhig's) www.jasonbecker.com
Rust In Peace var produceruð af Mike Clink, sem var betur þekktur fyrir samstarf sitt við Guns 'n Roses og Whitesnake. Hann er maðurinn sem hægt er að kalla fyrsta alvöru Producer Megadeth. Ekki útaf því að hann var klassa fyrir ofan forvera hans, heldur vegna þess að edrú Mustaine var ekki jafn aktívur og freðinn Mustaine.
“We were very critical about all the things we did in music, we discussed the subtlest tastes and flourishes. In the past it was different - it was ‘my way or the highway.’ I was positive that the path, which I choose is the right one. Only that by following this right path I reached not only success but also a place for the addicted in the hospital. This is why now I was the producer's assistant and not the other way around. Now I'm open for suggestions. Before - I wanted to rule only by myself.” (Mustaine)
“We are pretty focused and in alignment with what we want to do and how we want to do it. We have always been the type of band that makes the music for ourselves foremost and really, I think, that is what it is all about. I believe that is why our music has so much substance to it. It is real. It is reality. It is not like we are trying to contrive shit that we think people are going to like. Our attitude is always - if people don't like it, that's okay because we do. We are the ones that get up there and play it everyday.” (Menza, 1995)
“The lyrical content of this album is still as outspoken as previous material, but it's touching on different topics. It's not necessarily about politics; it's more about personalities and the differences between people. Whereas ‘Peace Sells’ was a full-on political song, so is ‘Rust in Peace.’ ‘Hangar 18’ is about the US government, and asking if there's been a UFO landing. There's political shit in there. If I don't get picked up and locked away, I'll be very lucky, because the government's gonna be really bummed when they read ‘Hangar 18,’ if they ever read it. I know some idiot's gonna get it to somebody who's gonna say, ‘Hey, this guy knows something.’ Because all you've gotta do is watch the news. Half the news is pretentious bullshit.” (Mustaine, 1990)
Platan var tilnefnd sem “Besta Metal Frammistaðan” á Grammy verðlaununum 1990, en tapaði fyrir Svörtu plötu Metallica…
Track Listi:
1. Holy Wars…The Punishment Due (Mustaine) - 6:36
2. Hangar 18 (Mustaine) - 5:14
3. Take No Prisoners (Mustaine) - 3:28
4. Five Magics (Mustaine) - 5:42
5. Poison Was the Cure (Mustaine) - 2:58
6. Lucretia (Ellefson/Mustaine) - 3:58
7. Tornado of Souls (Ellefson/Mustaine) - 5:22
8. Dawn Patrol (Ellefson/Mustaine) - 1:50
9. Rust in Peace…Polaris (Mustaine) - 5:36
Hér kemur “stutt” umsögn um hvert lag á plötunni, ef þú hefur hlustað á plötuna gætiru haft gaman af þessu en annars tæplega. Ég læt texta fylgja með vegna þess að þeir eru ákaflega skemmtilegir. Vitanlega eru allar tilvitnanir á frummáli.
Holy Wars…
(Music, lyrics: Mustaine)
Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion
Something I don't understand.
Fools like me who cross the sea
And come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep, for their beliefs
Do you kill on God's command?
A country that's divided
Surely will not stand
My past erased, no more disgrace
No foolish naive stand.
The end is near, it's crystal clear
Part of the master plan
Don't look now to Israel
It might be your homelands.
Holy wars
Upon my podium, as the
Know it all scholar
Down in my seat of judgment
Gavel's bang, uphold the law
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Out to change the world
Down in my pulpit as the
Holier-than-thou-could-be messenger of God
The Punishment Due
(Music, lyrics: Mustaine)
Wage the war on organized crime
Sneak attacks, repel down the rocks
Behind the lines
Some people risk to employ me
Some people live to destroy me
Either way they die.
They killed my wife and my baby,
With hopes to enslave me
First mistake… last mistake!
Paid by the alliance, to slay all the giants
Next mistake… no more mistakes!
Fill the cracks in,
With judicial granite
Because I don't say it,
Don't mean I ain't thinking it.
Next thing you know,
They'll take my thoughts away
I know what I said,
Now I must scream of the overdose
And the lack of mercy killings
The Punishment Due er undir áhrifum frá Marvel teiknimyndasögunni, “The Punisher” sem Mustaine les ekki lengur vegna þess að hún er auglýsingarvædd.
"It's revolving around the way that war is immanent and it doesn't really matter what country it's in… Khadafi [Libya]… Khomeini [Iran]… It's funky how these guys have weird names, these idiots that lead different countries. But it shows you… war's war, no matter where you're at." (Mustaine)
“I had to fight to record the second electric solo in this tune the way I wanted! The first take I did as I was just warming up was the one that producer Mike Clink liked. When he heard it, he said, ‘That’s fine. Good job.' And I was like, ‘Whooooaaaa! Wait a minute. I haven’t even tuned my guitar yet. Let me play a real solo here.' He and Mustaine both thought it was fine and that we should move on to something else, so we left it at that. As the days went on and on, just knowing that solo was on there really bugged me. So I kept bringing it up to the guys that I wanted to redo it. Everybody liked the solo that was there, so I had no allies! Eventually I wore down Mike Clink's nerves and he had me come back in and re-cut the solo, and the new solo is the one that made the record.” (Friedman, 2002)
Hangar 18
(Music, lyrics: Mustaine)
Welcome to our fortress tall
Take some time to show you around
Impossible to break these walls
For you see the steel is much to strong
Computer banks to rule the world
Instruments to sight the stars.
Possibly I've seen too much
Hangar 18, I know too much
Foreign life-forms inventory
Suspended state of cryogenics
Selective amnesia's the story
Believed, foretold, but who'd suspect
The military intelligence
Two words combined that can't make sense
Possibly I've seen too much
Hangar 18, I know too much
“It was an idea that Nick came up with… The idea's based on a place in the four corner state region of the United States… it's a place where the military intelligence is housing alien aircraft and alien life-forms. Not that I subscribe to this point of view or any of that kind of BS, but Nick is way into it. I mean, the guy thinks that Jesus was a Martian! But, I guess those of you who know Nick probably know that the possibility, the way he explains it, it could be real. So we tried to bring it to you guys in a song form, and it's up to your imaginations to see whether or not you believe it.” (Mustaine, 1990)
“Hangar 18 is a military installation that holds UFO artifacts and alien creatures as far as we know.” (Menza, 1991)
Yes, Nick's explanation makes a believer out of me.
“This tune was actually much longer, but got seriously edited. I remember walking into the studio and wading through the miles of 2 inch tape all over the floor. Clink said, ‘Check out the lyrics of this song. It’s about aliens and Martians, so play something that sounds like you are coming from outer space.' That was good advice, and from then on, I really paid a lot more attention to the lyrics in a song than I had before.” (Friedman, 2002)
Lagið var tilnefnt sem besta metal lagið á Grammy verðlauna hátíðinni árið 1991, en tapaði fyrir Metallica.
Take No Prisoners
(Music, lyrics: Mustaine)
Got one chance, infiltrate them
Get it right, terminate them
Panzers will, permeate them
Break their pride, denigrate them
And their people, retrograde them
Typhus, detriate them
Epidemic, devastate them
Take no prisoners, cremate them
Going to war, give'em hell
D-Day, next stop Normandy
Beginning of the end
We know how to and sure as shit, we'll win
“War is peace” sure man
A retreat for the damned
A playground for the demented
A haven for those who walk this world
Bereft of heart and soul
Love and war, they say all is fair
Take his life but won't take his hair
Your body has parts your country can spare
By the way, son, here's your wheelchair
He once had to be all he could be
Now he's nothing for one one, nowhere to see
Funny thing, he's like you and me
It's a funny thing, a funny thing
Tears streak his solemn stare
Abandoned for wreckage, nobody cares
No one knew what would happen there
No one spoke, no one even dared
Don't ask, what you can do for your country
Ask what your country can do for you
Take no prisoners, take no shit!
“I was finally fed up with all of the shit that I had put up with from Jeff and Chuck and was having so much fun with Nick and Marty that I started writing the most obnoxious stuff that I could think of. I did not take into account that Marty was Jewish and singing about the panzer divisions and having him sing backups was not cool, now that I think about it. I do however say my favorite line that I always tell new bands at the end of this song, ‘Take no shit from anyone ever!’” (Mustaine, 2001)
“There are some busy rhythm/lead breaks/stops in the middle of this song that were a bitch to play in time! This was before ProTools and quantizing so you really had to nail stuff.” (Friedman, 2002)
Five Magics
(Music, lyrics: Mustaine)
Bestow upon me knowledge
Wizard, all-knowing, all-wise
I want to rule this kingdom
Make sweet the breeze, now defiled
Dethrone the evil prince's
Iron fists in velvet gloves of sin
Parade the grey-robed monks,
The vestal virgins
And wheel the wyvern's in
Let the ceremony consecrate the marriage
Let me be the protege of five magics
Give me alchemy!
Magic if you please
Master all of these
Bring him to his knees
I master five magics
Possessed with hellish torment
I master magics “5”
Hunting the abyss lord
Only one will stay alive
He who lives by the sword will surely also die
He who lives in sin will surely live the lie
“I'm quite pleased with the main solo in the middle of this tune. The rhythm underneath the solo is in some crazy time signature and I managed to do something with the solo that makes the whole section sound a little less progressive and a little more eerily aggressive. I was having a hard time nailing the fast thrashy pedaling rhythm part towards the end, so Clink gave me one of Slash's guitar picks that was lying around and then I nailed the part in one take. Magic!” (Friedman, 2002)
Poison Was the Cure
(Music, lyrics: Mustaine)
I miss the warm embrace I felt
First time you touched me
Secure and safe in open arms
I should have known you'd crush me
A snake you were when me met
I loved you anyway
Pulling out your poisoned fangs
The venom never goes away
Serpent swims free in my blood
Dragons sleeping in my veins
Jackyl speaking with tongue
Roach egg laying in my brain
Once stalked beneath your shadow
Sleepwalking to the gallows
I'm the sun that beats your brow in
'Til I finally threw the towel in
Never knowing if I'd wake up in a whirlpool
Got redundant
My brain was just some driftwood in a cesspool,
I became dead
From a rock star to a desk fool was my destiny,
Someone said
Love's a tidepool, taste the waters,
Life's abundant
Taste me
“Another insane rhythm! That Mustaine can sure come up with some killer riffs! The solo in ”Poison…“ was the first one that I did on the album. It feels good to get one good one under your belt as you make your way through recording an album.” (Friedman, 2002)
“It just wasn't working anymore. In the end I wasn't even getting high, and I started to see my life falling apart around me. I wasn't interested in the things that I was good at - which are making people think and playingmusic - so I decided to give it away”. (Mustaine, 1990)
(Music, lyrics: Mustaine, Ellefson)
Sitting up, late at night
I tiptoe through the darkness
Cold as hell, black as spades
Aware of my immediate surrounding
In my place I escape up into my hideout
Hiding from everyone
My friends all say,
“Dave you're mental anyway” hey!
Drift into a deeper state
I stalk the cobwebbed stairways
Dirt grits between my feet
The stair creaks, I precariously sneak
Hypnosis guides my hand
I slipside through the walkways
Sit in granny's rockin' chair
Memories are whirling by, yeah
Reminisce in the attic
Lucretia waits impatiently
Cobwebs make me squint
The cobra so eloquently glints
Moonbeams surge through the sky
The crystal ball's energized
Surely that like the cat waiting
Lucretia rocks away
“This solo is a great example of my playing. It's got it all. It sounds worked out, but it really wasn't. I follow all the chord changes differently, almost like a jazz player, which I definitely am not. To explain this solo technically would take a page and a half and a music professor. I'm quite pleased with this one.” (Friedman, 2002)
Þetta lag fjallar um draug sem á heima á háalofti Dave og hengur Dave með honum öðru hvoru. Hann (Dave) laumast þangað á nóttinni svo að fólk heldur ekki að hann sé geðveikur.
Tornado of Souls
(Music, lyrics: Mustaine, Ellefson)
This morning I made the call
The one that ends it all
Hanging up, I wanted to cry
But damnit, this wells gone dry
Not for the money, not for the fame
Not for the power, just no more games
But now I'm safe in the eye of tornado
I can't replace the lies that let a thousand days go
No more living trapped inside
In her way I'll surely die
In the eye of the tornado, blow me away
You'll grow to loathe my name
You'll hate me just the same
You won't need your breath
And soon you'll meet your death
Not from the years, not from the use
Not from the tears, just self abuse
Who's to say what's for me to say?
Who's to say what's for me to be?
Who's to say what's for me to do?
'Cause a big nothing it'll be for me
The land of opportunity
The golden chance for me
My future looks so bright
Now I think I've seen the light
Can't say what's on my mind
Can't do what I really feel
In this bed I made for me
Is where I sleep, I really feel
I warn you of the fate
Proven true too late
Your tongue twists perverse
Come drink now of this curse
And now I fill your brain
I spin you round again
My poison fills your head
As I tuck you in your bed
You feel my fingertips
You won't forget my lips
You'll feel my cold breath
It's the kiss of death
“I wrote that one about my fiancé of six years, who I broke up with last October. I'd just had it! The way I look at it, most redheads are either gorgeous or ugly. I don't consider myself gorgeous - and don't think I'm the latter - but I get my share of nice women, and I intend to go out and show my oats, if you know what I mean. I want to go out and see what I can do, as I am extremely healthy and look a lot different because I've been exercising a lot. I don't just sit around inside the house and party. I still have a great time, but I am looking forward to seeing the women who are out there after I have done my job and worked my ass off with the best music I can play. Now I want to see what the rewards are, instead of looking for the guy who's standing on the corner with certain things that I want or need. This time I am looking to the opposite sex to give me what I want! Without beating around the bush, I'm trying to tell you that I don't want to get high, I'd rather get horny!” (Mustaine, 1990)
“'Tornado of Souls' is about me getting out of a dysfunctional relationship. It has nothing to do with killing anybody.” (Mustaine, 1993)
“Dave wants girl, Dave can't have girl, Dave kills people!” (Mustaine, 1998)
“When I finished the solo to this one, Mustaine came into the studio, listened to it down once, turned around and without saying a word, shook my hand. It was at that moment that I felt like I was truly the guitarist for this band.” (Friedman, 2002)
Dawn Patrol
(Music, lyrics: Mustaine, Ellefson)
Thermal count is rising
In perpetual writhing
The primordial ooze
And the sanity they lose
Awakened in the morning
To more air-pollution warnings
Still we sleepwalk off to work
As our nervous systems jerk
Pretending not to notice
How history has forbode us
With the greenhouse in effect
Our environment is wrecked
Now I can only laugh
As I read our epitaph
We end our lives as moles
In the dark of the dawn patrol
“No guitar here, but in the original version, there was a heavy, dissonant guitar riff that was so strange I couldn't believe we were planning to record it. The song took shape in the studio.” (Friedman, 2002)
Rust in Peace… Polaris
(Music, lyrics: Mustaine)
Tremble you weaklings, cower in fear
I am your ruler, land, sea and air
Immense in my girth, erect, I stand tall
I am a nuclear murderer, I am Polaris
Ready to pounce at the touch of a button
My systems locked in on military gluttons
I rule on land, air, and sea
Pass judgment on humanity
Winds blow from the bowels of hell
Will we get warning? Only time will tell
Satan rears his ugly head to spit into the wind
I spread disease like a dog
Discharge my payload a mile high
Rotten egg air of death wrestles your nostrils
Launch the Polaris, the end doesn't scare us
When will this cease?
The warheads will all rust in peace!
Bomb shelters filled to the brim
Survival such a silly whim
World leaders sell missiles cheap
Your stomach turns, your flesh creeps
High priest of holocaust, fire from the sea
Nuclear winter spreading disease
The day of final conflict all will pay the price
The third world war rapes peace, takes life
Back to the start, talk of the part
When the earth was cold as ice
Total dismay as the sun passed away
And the days were black as night
Eradication of Earth's population loves Polaris
Hvaðan var titill lagsins/plötunnar tekinn ?
“I was driving home from Elsanon… um, Lake Elsanon. I was tailgating somebody, racing down the freeway, and I saw this bumper sticker on their car and it said… you know, this tongue in cheek stuff like, ‘One nuclear bomb could ruin your whole day,’ and then I looked on the other side and it said, ‘May all your nuclear weapons rust in peace,’ and I'm goin', ‘'Rust in Peace.’ Damn, that's a good title.' And I'm thinkin' like, ‘What do they mean, rust in peace?’ I could just see it now - all these warheads sittin' there, stockpiled somewhere like seal beach, you know, all covered with rust ‘n’ stuff with kids out there spray-painting the stuff, you know.” (Mustaine, 1991)
“The title track ‘Rust in Peace’ was written prior to my being in Metallica.” (Mustaine, 1991)
"This was my fave tune on the record at the time. [Mike] Clink was also excited about it. The main riff in ‘Rust…’ is like no other in rock. Absolutely unique!" (Friedman, 2002)
Credit List:
Marty Friedman - Guitar
Mike Clink - Producer, Engineer
David Ellefson - Guitar (Bass), Vocals (bckgr)
Nick Menza - Drums, Vocals (bckgr)
Dave Mustaine - Guitar, Vocals, Producer
Micajah Ryan - Engineer
Allir sem koma að gerð þessarar plötu eru að gera góða hluti, sóló, lagamíðar, producering, you name it… það er frábært.
platan fær 9.8/10.0 . Svona eiga einfaldlega Thrash Metal plötur að vera, Holdgervingur hinnar fullkomu Thrash Metal-plötu, mitt mat að sjálfsögðu.
Mikið af þessu er copy/paste en ég vildi geri ýtarlega grein. Sem menn geta skoðað á meðan þeir hlusta á plötuna. Og var hún (greinin) hugsuð til að kick-starta ,
“klassískar plötur” kubbnum. Fannst ég ekki geta sleppt textunum.
Allt skítkast er afþakkað.
hilsen, Elfa