Dream Theater ráðstefna í París Eftirfarandi rakst ég á á heimasíðu töframannanna í Dream Theater (www.dreamtheater.net). Franski aðdáendaklúbbur þeirra er víst að fara að halda ráðstefnu í maí og svo ætla þeir að brydda upp á smá tónleikum einnig, með engri annarri sveit en sænsku Íslandsvinunum í Pain of Salvation, sem aðalnúmer.


“The Dream Theater French official fanclub, Your Majesty, will hold its 2nd convention on May, Saturday 19th, in Paris (venue : Elysee Montmartre). Mike Portnoy will specially take a break in the recording of the new album to attend the convention.

The event will actually take place from 4pm to 10:30pm as follows:

- from 4pm to 7pm : the convention in itself with : meet and greet with Mike, many stands with collectibles and memorabilias, a special stand with the new John Petrucci's signature guitar…

- from 7pm to 10:30pm : a special concert with an exclusive headlining concert of PAIN OF SALVATION (the Swedish prog metal geniuses), and the mighty French prog metal band REGENCY as opener.

It's not impossible at all to see Mike ending up on stage for a memorable jam… who knows !

To attend the convention in the afternoon, you must be a current subscriber of any of the Dream Theater international fanclubs. The concert in the evening is open to everyone.

For any question and to get tickets, please email yourmajesty@dtifc.com”


p.s. Myndin sem fylgir með hérna er mynd af trommusetti trommara Dream Theater, Mike Portnoy. Fyrir stækkaða útgáfu af þessari mynd (þar sem þið getið séð öll smáatriðin), sjá http://www.mikeportnoy.com/drums/siam1024wide.jpg
Resting Mind concerts