þar sem að einhver spurði hvernig ég vissi hvernig Cliff dó ákvað ég að skrifa þetta..

Cliff Burton:

Clifford Lee Burton dó þann 27. September árið 1986 kl. u.þ.b. 02:00 þegar að rúta hljómsveitarinnar var að fara frá Stokkhólmi þar sem þeir voru með tónleika um kvöldið (þess má til gamans geta að ég á þessa tónleika á mp3 í tölvunni).

Þeir voru á leiðinni til danmerkur þar sem tónléikar áttu að vera kveldið eftir. Rútan rann á ís á veginum og valt.

Þar sem að eitt sæti var í rútunni sem að hægt var að betra að sofa í og drógu þeir um hver mundi fá að vera þar (lagið The Shortest Straw á justice er talið tengjast þessu) og Cliff dró.

Þannig að þegar rútan valt flaug Cliff út um rúðuna og lenti undir rútunni þannig að lappirnar á honum stóðu út undan rútunni

Verð að vitna aðeins í snillinginn

“When a man lies he murders some part of the world
These are the pale deaths wich men miscall their lives
All this i cannot bear to witness any longer
Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home”
- Cliff Burton: “To Live Is To Die”

“You don't burn out from going too fast. You burn out from going too slow and getting bored.”
- Cliff Burton

Question: “What would you say to a band that's just starting out on the rock scene today?”
Cliff : “Quit!”

Nokkrar setningar frá Metallica eftir dauða hans
James Hetfield

“I remember this guy lit my couch on fire a couple of times.”

“We heard this wild solo going on and thought, ‘I don’t see any guitar player up there.’ It turned out it was the bass player, Cliff, with a wah wah pedal and this mop of hair. He didn’t care whether people were there. He was looking down at his bass playing.”

“Knowing Cliff’s attitude, he’d kick our butts if we quit - on continuing after Cliff’s death”

“I saw the bus lying right on him. I saw his legs sticking out. I freaked. The bus driver, I recall, was trying to yank the blanket out from under him to use for other people. I just went, ‘Don’t fucking do that!’ I already wanted to kill the guy. I don’t know if he was drunk or if he hit some ice. All I knew was, he was driving and Cliff wasn’t alive anymore.” - 1993

“He was a wild, hippie-ish, acid-taking, bell-bottom-wearing guy. He meant business, and you couldn’t fuck around with him. I wanted to get that respect that he had. We gave him shit about his bell-bottoms everyday. He didn’t care. ”This is what I wear. Fuck you.“ He loved music. He was really intellectual but very to the point. He taught me a lot about attitude.” - 1993

“People probably thought, ‘Oh, they're not going to do the heavy lyrics now because of what happened.’ Man, those lyrics mean a lot more to me now.”

“Cliff’s taken classes in school on music theory, things like mixing harmonies together. I think he took a junior college course.” - 1986


“Cliff was so completely honest to himself and the people around him. He hated all this being-put-on-a-pedestal bullshit.” - 1986

“We always miss Cliff, but he is kind of on the record (…And Justice For All). The song “To Live Is To Die” is really based on a number of riffs that Cliff wrote a couple of years ago. It’s kind of cool to have something written by Cliff on the new album.”

“I know Cliff, more than anyone else in the band, would have been the first guy to give us a kick in the ass, and wouldn’t want us to sit around. It’s what he would have wanted us to do.”

“Cliff Burton was the man who had that wild spirit that makes a band like Metallica a quality band. He wasn't only the bass player, or someone else in the band who co-write the songs, he was the man who made Metallica reach the sky. After his death, Metallica sold their souls for fame and fortune, things that he would never wanted to deal with. He'd never allowed all that ”Black Album“ to happen, and neither that damn ”Load“ thing. When Metallica lost their bass player, they also lost their soul.”

“I wasn’t too angry in the beginning. I was obviously grieving, but the anger started setting in when I realized that it’s not new that people in rock-n-roll die, but usually it’s self-inflicted in terms of excessive drink or drug abuse. He had nothing to do with it. It’s so useless. Completely useless.” - January 1987


“To this day, I think about him every day.” - 1988

“He was always against looking too posey, he was always into just looking natural.”

“I had seen Cliff in this band called Easy Street when I was like 16 years old at a club called International Cafe in San Francisco… It always stuck in my mind.”

“This guy with wild, wild red hair flying all over the place and a Rickenbacker and a real distinct bass style and I thought to myself, ‘This guy is fuckin’ wild!The only person who was able to figure out a time and write it on a piece of paper was Cliff. He had an immense knowledge of timing, musical harmonies and music theory in general.” - 1987

“If we had hung it up, Cliff would've been so pissed off.”

“In Denmark while recording Master Of Puppets, we hung out a lot. We’d go out and play poker for 8 hours straight after being up for 24 hours. We’d find a seafood restaurant that was open, eat raw oysters and drink beer, scream at the natives while we were drunk… that’s some of my best memories of him.”


“He was a great and very special talent… Cliff’s solos were absolutely brilliant.” - 1988

“He is the Hendrix of bass for his ground breaking style.”

“There was a huge shadow there. I’d always looked up to him so much.”


“we came up here and played with Cliff, who just blew the doors off of anyone we’ve ever played with. He’s the new Steve Harris of metal.”
Bassadót: FBass BN5 & MusicMan Bongo5 -> Line6 Relay G50 -> Ampeg PF500 -> Ampeg PF210HF