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Bush does NOT have the right nor the authority
Hi all,
Daniel Gildenlow here. Usually I don't intervene too much in messageboards or guestbooks, but I just have to make a stand here. I just saw Bush's speech for the US nation and the world (seems like those notions are becoming increasingly one and the same nowadays) and it made me want to throw up in a mixed feeling of disgust, fear, anger and grief. This is indeed a dark day for democracy and globalism, when the largest weapon possessing nation of the world can do whatever they think necessary against other nations in “self- defence”.
USA has provided Iraq with most of their weapons (including the now illegal types - how any kind of weapon can be legal is beyond my intellect) and for 12 years they have had those weapons without imposing a danger to the rest of the world, more than any other armored land. I want to make clear that I in no way support the Saddam regim or terrorism, but if we are all free to interpret attack as self-defence and can consider us free to judge another religion, race or state and its level of dangerousness, we are treading on forbidden ground, walking down a path of destruction. Asking another country for its full disarmoring, neglect the world opinion and UN, blackmailing another nation with a request to leave out its leader, putting people in cages in Cuba without a trial, and now threatening to put demonstrants in jail - is this the democracy we have worked so hard to achieve? Saddam would never be allowed to do the above - and with all right! But howcome Buch is?
I wish I could sit down with Bush and teach him a few lessons about the world, about himself. I would tell him that he does not have the right to do this, no one has the right to do this - that is the foundation of democracy. I would remind him of the fact that he represents a nation that has had one solution to all political problems in the world - hand out loads of weapons and military education to a third party. This is how Saddam got his weapons, and Bin Laden. Now, USA hands out weapons to Pakistan and India, two nations that haven't always been close friends so to speak. When we have all forgotten about Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, will it be the turn of these nations? And then, to whom will USA hand out weapons that time? What leader will them remove, what new leader will they put there in his place? And what reasons will they have to justify the fact that they have killed millions and millions of people in just a few decades, replaced democraticly chosen leaders with dictators, pushed peoples and religions around like toys, and at the same time burped out empty and shallow ringing expressions like “freedom” “democracy” “god bless” and “peaceloving” - what a sackful!
Does Saddam have weapons of mass destructions? Maybe, let's keep in mind that the weapon inspectors still have found basically nothing, and that Iraq has increasingly cooperated. But even if they do have them, we can rest assured with one thing, USA do have weapons of mass destruction, and they are the only ones in the history of mankind to have used them. Against two civilian cities! And now Bush speaks about not being blackmailed (define blackmail Mr Bush - is it anything like “if Saddam and his relatives are not out of the coutry in 48 hours we will attack”?) and about USA being peaceloving (I won't even comment on that, it's such a gasping contradiction in terms), and Iraq having a tradition of violence (from a man who executes prisoners, and even more than any other US presidents).
So I say, Bush, you have 48 hours to leave the country because you are a large threat to the world, to democracy, to common sense and to the environment. I demand your full disarming and we suspect that you have mass destructive weapons specifically designed to kill hordes of human beings (the “mothers, fathers, friends and neighbors” you yourself always mention in your speeches). You also control the media flow and you oppress truth and freedom of speech by having people fired and silenced and put away without trials, you are a sad laugh in the face of the free and democratic world you pretend to represent and you mock every God you refer to by acting as far away from Godly as ever possible. You are mad and you have war in your eyes, and I can tolerate this no further. So, 48 hours or…
Alas, I have to realize that there is only one nation that can get away with this behaviour. Why? Because they do not question themselves enough, they believe that have the devine right, and they put faith in values I loathe - nationalism, etnocentrism, hypocrisy and revenge. Also, they have more bombs and prime time TV than the rest of the world ever had or will have in three eternities. And that's where we are still at. When all is said and done, the big bully rules the playground - with big fists and a very little little mind.
Yours truly,
Resting Mind concerts