Danska metal senan nr2! Danskur Metall 2

Full Moon Lycanthropy
Melódískur svartmálmur frá Danmörk. Þessi hljómsveit er snilld. Hafa aðeins gefið út demo og nú síðast 2002 demoið sem ég nældi mér í 2 lög af. Um leið og ég heyrði þetta áhvað ég að danska senan stendur ALLAN SAMANBURÐ við aðrar þjóðir og er allveg þrælgóð. Þetta band er frábært. Melódískur svartmálmur í hæsta gæðaflokki
<a href=\"http://moondog.takhis.net/fml/download.php?get =black_wings.mp3\“> Black Wings</a>
<a href=\”http://moondog.takhis.net/fml/download.php?get =naturens_magt.mp3”> Naturens Magt </a>
Heimasíða: <a href=”http://get.to/fml”<Full Moon Lycanthropy</a>


Melódískur deathmetal í stýl við þá sænsku (gamla inflames/soilwork), Allveg drullu töff
Þeir hafa gefið út 4 breiðskífur. “DEAD ELECTRIC NIGHTMARES” “DEVOTION” “SADIAM” og “EOS”. Hljómsveitin hét áður asmodeus og svo Aurora. Þetta band er eitthvað sem allir Svíjametal hausar eiga að tékka á!

<a href=\"http://www.aurora.ms/mp3.php3?url=http://www.a urora.ms/audio/Aurora_New_God_Rising.mp3\“>New God Rising</a>
<a href=\”http://www.aurora.ms/mp3.php3?url=http://www.a urora.ms/audio/Aurora_All_The_Things.mp3\“>All the Things</a>
<a href=\”http://www.aurora.ms/mp3.php3?url=http://www.a urora.ms/audio/Aurora_Home.mp3\“>Home</a>
<a href=\”http://www.aurora.ms/mp3.php3?url=http://www.a urora.ms/audio/Aurora_Aurora_Borealis.mp3\“>Aurora Borealis</a>

<a href=\”http://www.aurora.ms\">www.aurora.ms</a>


Review sem allir verða að lesa

Metal heart Gearmany
Koldborn are probably the biggest Danish hope in Death metal right now. With First Enslavement these four lads blast without end. The ten tracks probably are easiest to place in the backwater of Swedish bands like Dismember, Edge Of Sanity and the likes. But they certainly place their own stamp on the melodic Scandinavian Death Metal. That means that the music here is pretty fast, but the groovy parts put in here and there make the songs more listenable time and time again. The guys on one hand know how to sound ultra brutal, but also know how to use variety in their songs. This goes for both the music as for the vocals. So there are constantly lots of interplays full of feelings, but they disappear just as fast as they appear. The Danes are not afraid of cooperating female vocals in their energy laden music. The female vocals are still kept limited though, so they don’t become annoying. All in all the Danes succeeded in making a mix between hatefilled and melodic music. At least you should keep your eye on the band in the coming years.

Þetta band er frábært miðað við það litla sem ég hef heyrt. Dansktur Deathmetall. Er meira plain Death metall fynst mér en svona Melódískur svíja death metall. Þeir hafa gefið út 1 demo, 1 mcd og eina breiðskífu sem kom út bara í okt á þessu ári. Mæli með að þið kynnið ykkur þetta band.

1: Of Sins Sublime - http://www.koldborn.dk/Sounds/Sins.mp3
2: Wicked Arise Divine - http://www.koldborn.dk/Sounds/Wicked.mp3
3: Blessed by Beyond - http://www.koldborn.dk/Sounds/Blessed.mp3
4: In Breathless Sighs - http://www.koldborn.dk/Sounds/Breathless.mp3
5: All Bowing Heads Roll - http://www.koldborn.dk/Sounds/Bowing.mp3
6: Vague Cries (Of Unborn Lives) - http://www.koldborn.dk/Sounds/Vague.mp3
7: Demonride - http://www.koldborn.dk/Sounds/Demon.mp3
8: Sunbroken - http://www.koldborn.dk/Sounds/Sunbroken.mp3
9: Altar of Your Fate - http://www.koldborn.dk/Sounds/Altar.mp3
10: The Embrace of Thanatos -http://www.koldborn.dk/Sounds/Embrace.mp3

Þetta eru allt uþb 1 og hálfs mín sampl af nýja diskinum

Heimasíðan þeirra <a href=”http://www.koldborn.dk”<Koldborn.dk</a