er ekki sammála:
That night, Lewis and Lacey had decided to drive by a condominium apartment they had been looking into purchasing over the next few days. It is believed Lewis’ fire-engine red Ferrari occupied the middle lane when Jeffery Kirby and his companion came up along the left side in a white 1977 Porsche. At the scene, black skid marks snake up onto the median’s curb right as the road bends slightly, then drag for 500 or more feet across the three lanes. They indicate Kirby’s car bounced off the road’s island divider before t-boning into Lewis’ vehicle’s backend, sending the Ferrari into a 180-degree spin. The car traveled backwards before the driver’s side wailed directly into a cement light pole, slicing it into two parts.
It was the first time in a few months that Lewis had had the opportunity to enjoy the luxury ride he’d purchased over a year ago. The car had slept at a friend’s showroom until Lewis had been asked to bring it to a photo shoot that day for Dub magazine. High speeds didn’t seem unfathomable under the circumstances, though friends said they couldn’t see Lewis engaging in a dangerous street race for superiority. Lewis didn’t know Kirby, nor was Lewis believed to be drinking at the time. Lewis never touched alcohol, as many will attest, including his best friend and business partner Dan “Punk Ass” Caldwell.
Það er ekkert í þessari lýsingu sem gefur til kynna að Lewis hafi verið í ofsa akstri, svona performance bílar eins og Ferrari selur eru alls ekki hannaðir með öryggi í huga, heldur hámarks aksturseiginleika.
Mask getur vel hafa verið að keyra á löglegum hraða, s.s 55 mílum á klst, þrátt fyrir hversu hroðalega illa bíllinn hans fór í slysinu. Það munum við samt aldrei vita fyrir víst, en það virðist vera orðið nokkuð ljóst núna að hann hvorki þekkti hinn ölvaða ökumann sem VAR að keyra of hratt, né eru neinar vísbendingar um að hann hafi valdið slysinu.