Já en svona að öllu gríni slepptu þá er ég að mestu leyti sammála þér, sérstaklega hvað varðar Lashley bardagann, þó svo að ég telji að Lashley hafi verið vel á veg kominn með að kýla sig út og hefði örugglega tapað þrátt fyrir klúðrið. Því er einfaldlega ekki hægt að neita að dómarinn átti stóran þátt í hvernig Lashley tapaði.
Kom mér svosem ekkert á óvart að þessi dómari (John Schorle) hefur ótalmarga skandala á bakinu bæði í boxi og MMA, þar með talið hreint út sagt epískt feil í WEC í gamla daga þar sem Olaf Alfonso var rotaður allsvakalega af Rob McCullough.
However, Schorle's most infamous MMA moment came in the March 2006 quasi-snuff film that was Rob McCullough-Olaf Alfonso. Just moments into the second round, McCullough landed a crushing right cross that sent Alfonso's mouthguard airborne. As the supine Olaf lay on the mat with a predatory foe above him, Schorle took a cursory glance at Alfonso's eyes – which are glassy and googly even at his most lucid – and then walked across the cage to retrieve the mouthguard. McCullough took the chance to land three absolute killshots on the defenseless Alfonso, as the miserably out-of-position Schorle made a mad dash to stop McCullough from pureeing Olaf's face.
Og í boxinu:
If you're a boxing fan, you'll be dismayed to find out that Schorle, a Californian-based official now splitting time in Texas, was the referee who stood by while Vic Darchinyan beat Victor Burgos until he had a blood clot in his brain, resulting in emergency surgery and an induced coma following the bout. He was the third man in the ring for Vitali Klitschko beating hapless Corrie Sanders to a pulp. He oversaw the Erik Morales-Zahir Raheem bout – which he allowed to devolve into a clinch-filled slip-and-slide on a soaked canvas – as well as Joel Casamayor-Michael Katsidis, in which a thrilling bout was compromised by Schorle's all-around inattentiveness. Schorle's reputation is such that before the rubber match in his epic trilogy with Rafael Marquez, Israel Vazquez's camp fought viciously and successfully to have Schorle removed as the bout's referee and replaced with Pat Russell. These are just a few recent examples.