Ég hafði ekki séð þetta áður:
Nelson has been dropped in the past and will need to continue working on improving his technique and defensive standup skills (especially when he presses forward), but he has become visibly more comfortable with his striking as his career's moved forward and given his age and experience there is still considerable time for further improvement.
wrestling abilities have not been thoroughly tested …Ég get engan veginn tekið undir að keppandi sem hefur mætt mönnum á borð við þá sem Gunni hefur (all american wrestling champions) og þeir hafa ekki getað haft hann undir geti talist vera með wrestling sem ekki hafið verið “thoroughly tested”. Það sigrar enginn menn eins og Jeff Monson og Dave Avellan á ADCC án þess að hafa gott wrestling. En auðvitað má alltaf testa það betur og reyndar er þetta eitt af því sem Gunni vill vinna enn meira í.
The only question in his overall grappling game appears to be his wrestling abilities. It remains to be seen if he can consistently get the fight to the ground (or keep it standing) against the stronger wrestlers he faces…