Gleymdi að bæta við, að gamli góði Bruce æfði Taekwondo. En hann var jú þekktur fyrir að hafa æft hinar ýmsu tegundir bardagalista, sem hann svo setti saman í Jeet Kune Do.
Smá copy/paste úr grein um Bruce Lee: dy.asp?news_no=273
It was Taekwondo that exerted great influence on him, other than Youngchoonkwon. Bruce Lee was attracted to Taekwondo, for the Chinese martial arts he had practiced are weak in kicking techniques, though they are quite strong in hand techniques and body motions, and, on the other hand, Taekwondo displayed the greatest kicking techniques at that time. So Bruce learned Taekwondo from Lee, Joon-gu, ‘Father of American Taekwondo’, who had been active in the USA at that time, and Bruce taught him hand techniques that he had got. (Bruce learned Taekwondo from Lee, Joon-gu, who had run a gym at that time, and since then Bruce stayed closely acquainted with him for a long time.)