Þetta fann ég einhvern daginn, held þetta sé nokkuð rétt
To get 5 stars in STRENGTH
Your coach must have: fit =>18
To get 5 stars in AEROBIC
Your coach must have: fit =>18
To get 5 stars in GK
Your coach must have: gk =>18
To get 5 stars in TACTICS
Your coach must have: Tac =>18
To get 5 stars in DEFENDING
Your coach must have: def =18 & tac =>18 or
def =19 & tac =>14 or
def =20 & tac =>10
To get 5 stars in BALL CONTROL
Your coach must have: tec =18 & men =>18 or
tec =19 & men =>14 or
tec =20 & men =>10
To get 5 stars in ATTACKING
Your coach must have: att =18 & tac =>18 or
att =19 & tac =>14 or
att =20 & tac =>10
To get 5 stars in SHOOTING
Your coach must have: tec =18 & att =>18 or
tec =19 & att =>14 or
tec =20 & att =>10
To get 5 stars in SET PIECES
Your coach must have: tec = 17 & men+att =>39or
tec = 18 & men+att =>36 or
tec = 19 & men+att =>33 or
tec = 20 & men+att =>30
Please note ‘=>’ means ‘is equal to or greater than’