Það er augljóst að allri kóðun fyrir CM4 er lokið, því Paul Collyer er farinn að skrifa á spjallborðinu á communities.sigames.com aftur. Fyrir þá sem ekki vita/muna er Paul Collyer annar af upphaflegu forriturum CM1.
Eitt af því sem ég hef haft áhyggjur af, er að SIgames hafi verið neyddir til að gefa leikinn út áður en þeir töldu hann tilbúinn. Svo segir Paul ekki vera, þó að hann sjálfur gæti líklega haldið áfram endalaust að bæta við möguleikum og gera leikinn raunverulegri.
Einhverjir gætu líka saknað “With the ball/without the ball” (wibble/wobble) möguleikans, en SIgames tóku þá ákvörðun að hafa þann möguleika ekki með framvegis, þar sem þessi möguleiki væri óraunverulegur, en í staðinn vilja þeir fjölga þeim skipunum sem hægt er að gefa leikmönnum. Ég persónulega er hlyntur þessari stefnu þeirra, þó ég hafi notað þennan möguleika mikið í CM3.
Svona til gamans læt ég hér fylgja með orð goðsins.
“Well, we certainly aren't releasing it unfinished under pressure of demand. That would be a mistake as it would inevitably lead to disappointment. No-one would benefit from that, not even Eidos as the next game would see an inevitable drop in sales.
Neither do we particularly worry about Eidos pressure. Sure its a business partnership so its something that is discussed but the bottom line is we won't release before its fit for your consumption. They understand that.
However on the other hand, being such a perfectionist ( ok anal ) I would probably never be happy with it until about 2005 which does not make for a good business plan given the need to pay the lads for their hard work So some of my ideas have to wait for future versions…….ho hum.
Hopefully you'll all be happy anyway, and you know we will iron out as many of the issues that may crop up as we can and provide a patch if needed.
“…The reason we removed the ”with ball without ball“ settings was that they alone were too simplistic and we are rather aiming to represent what players do through individual and team instructions.
Ray was advising us throughout these discussions and yes, there is scope for more instructions in the future and yes, hopefully he will be helping us to implement them!! ”