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Kveðja Elva
En það er bæði þægilegra og fer kannski betur með þau að tæma alltaf.Ekki li-ion batterý. Það var þannig með gömlu Ni-mh og enn ferkar með ennþá eldri Ni-Cd batterýin, og blý rafgeyma, en það er ekki þannig með li-ion batterý eins og er líklegast í langflestum nýlegri rafmagnstækjum sem við notum.
Lithium ion batteries are commonly used in consumer electronics. They are currently one of the most popular types of battery for portable electronics, with one of the best energy-to-weight ratios, no memory effect, and a slow loss of charge when not in use. They can be dangerous if mistreated and unless care is taken their lifespan may be reduced. Although originally intended for consumer electronics, lithium-ion batteries are growing in popularity for defense, automotive, and aerospace applications due to their high energy density.og útskýring á memory effect:
Memory effect, also known as lazy battery effect, is an effect observed in some rechargeable batteries that causes them to hold less charge. In its original meaning it describes one very specific situation in which certain NiCd batteries gradually lose their maximum energy capacity if they are repeatedly recharged after being only partially discharged. Today, the term is commonly applied to almost any case in which a battery appears to hold less charge than was expected.