Why do I always feel like this ?
It's like my life is falling apart.

My friends keep telling me that it'll be alright.
Just stiffen that upper lip, and keep your head high.

I try and I try to make everything okay,
and sometimes it seems like there's nothing wrong.
But it always ends up the same.

I've been hurt and humiliated,
and I've sad and depressed.
But somewhere in between I've been truly happy.

People say laughing makes your life longer,
they say it makes you happier.
But how can I laugh when life treats me like this ?
How can I be happy when I've never felt as sad ?

Some days all I want to do is cry,
just cry my eyes out.
But will it do any good?

I tell my self every day that today will be better.
That today I'm going to smile no matter what.

But how can I smile and be happy
when the only person who can truly make me happy,
is the same person who stopped loving me ?

It's like I've hit a wall,
like my life is about to end.

But deep in my heart I know….
that it has just begun.

ég fann ekker betra nafn á ljóðið,
ENDILEGA commentið ef þið hafið flott nafn á það í huga !
ég er stoltur aðdáandi namibískra nærbuxnabónda !