Drowning in worlds ignorance

where it´s allright to kill millions in name of good faith

The older ones poison their childrens minds

clearly the are walking the war´s way

soon there is no child left to play

You can hear i child cry far away

should you help her or should you stay

you wanna go, but you have orders

orders that you can´t obey

your heart tells you to go but you mind is confused

you are told you are doing good for your country

but you don´t agree

it´s disturbing how much they spend in war

instead of making money for those who is left behind

the only thing they can do is praying to live to see another day

What´s wrong when

they have almost no money and spend it all on war

of course people need protection

but what´s to protect when no one is left alive

everything is clouded in smoke and blood

suddenly you see what you´ve done

when her crying stops

when she is not moving

blood all a round

her body falling to the ground

tears falling down your cheek

nothing you can do

you feel so weak

This is what you are fighting for

this is what your country is proud of you for

for taking lives

lives that just started…