We enter the dry desert
There is nothing to see
Only dry sand.
No water for miles
But we keep on walking
In the day-time we are burning.
In the night we shiver from the cold.
The Sun is watching us,
Watching our every footstep
Watching us walk to our death.
Watching us escaping the law,
Escaping our lifes.
I look into her eyes,
I see fear,
Fear of our destiny.
Destiny that is no good,
Full of pain and misery.
The endless night is cold.
Colder then ever.
We hold each other, saying nothing.
The night is quiet, nobody around us.
There is no hope, only fear, fear of death.
Takk fyrir
Btw, hreinskilni? en ekki skítköst
Bætt við 23. janúar 2007 - 15:36
ljóðið er svoldið í svona tal stíl.
Svoldið líkt ljóðunum sem Jim Morrison samdi.
ekki vanmeta þetta ljóð, það er innihaldið sem skiptir máli í því! ekki formið.