Ripping through his flesh,
it brings me back to the past.
To the fateful day in my life,
this shadow was over me cast.
A dark creature came to me,
told me I had much left to see.
“you haven't lived life,
until you've killed someone”.
And from that day,
it's what I have done.
This dark nature is now a part of me,
I love carving through human flesh.
It's a sick and twisted life,
but it's my choice to live in this mess.
Never have been caught,
never will be taken.
My art is flawless,
and leaves most people shaken.
A slayer of the living,
lover of the dead.
Is this twisted,
or is there more to be said?
Má vel vera að þetta sé of sjúkt, en þetta kemur samt frá mér. Og ég er ekki sjúkur einstaklingur, normal maður með eðlilegar tilfinningar.