“Ere the new era
Ere the man shall walk
thou shall witness a wonder
And that wonder shall
brake the sky
and tear the earth
and make new homes
and as man dies
thou shalt not die
for thou has the name
that shall be written
in book of gods”

That she spoke
I liked it not
for I knew what was
and as I answered
the godess herself
and told with heavy heart
that so shall be
I saw the great vision
the vision of future
and again she told me

“Thou shall teach
Thou shall be
from thee
a new breed
shall walk this earth
and we shall call it
the humankind”

And I saw
with my eyes
as the world I knew
disappered in flames
flames of the heavens
And I did what I had to do
And from the blood
in my veins
Breed was born
to be

And never again
did I with my eyes
see the godness
that blessed me