You frightened me,
when you gave me a scare.
And then you blindfolded me,
how could you dare.
I thought you were full,
of love affection.
But your full of hate,
which has driven you from perfection.
Why do you torture me,
and drive me to kill.
You know I will love you,
I always will.
I have always loved you,
and will forever more.
And will continue killing,
of that you can be sure.
Yet now I have decided,
that I have to kill you.
You hate has gone to far,
and stop it I must do.
I'm really a kind soul,
with a generous heart.
But you have given me a little taste,
of your blood driven art.
Efast einhvern veginn um að ykkur eigi eftir að líka vel við þetta ljóð, en ég er að senda ljóð á ensku inn á aðra síðu…. undir svolitlar undirtektir, frekar gaman :)