Well já, þetta er víst mín fyrsta grein hér og ég eiginlega kann ekkert á þetta en mig bara langar til þess að prufa að senda inn eitt “ljóð” sem að ég gerði fyrir stuttu og fá smá viðbrögð. Tilviðbótar þá er þetta ljóð á ensku.

Why do you have to kill me inside?
Everything is bursting out now
The feelings I tried to hide
I know what I got to do but how?
You can't do this to me
But you don't seem to care at all
You look at me but you can't see
That you're just pushing me so I fall

Don't you know I can't help it?
I don't really want this
Talk to you, you don't notice a little bit
How I can't stop thinking about our kiss
How right it could be
How broken I could be and blue
You just don't see me
The way I want you to

Takk fyrir það,
