In the chaos in a peoples mind
we deny our darker side
probable afraid to admit,
we´d lie steel and even kill to get by
Some of us get rich,
some just don´t get anything
But We´re all just out there selling apart of ourself
Some are even selling there lies,
thats the smart ones!
Others offer there skilles or nolege!
Being an artist of any kind
is just becomming another product!
But, only if you sell sex
you´d be called a whore!
In all this chaos
who could be right!
who could be wrong!
They said i was wrong!
They said i was not to jugde others!
They said they were right!
but who were they to judge me,
for my opinions!
my act are done not to bother others
but to please myself!
Is that right?
Is that wrong?
or just neutral
I say it is non of the above!
there´s nothing wrong
just nothing at all!
I´d rather say all we do is a
human behavior!