Þetta er nú lengsta ljóðið sem ég hef skrifað og það er nú ekkert svo langt síðan ég byrjaði að skrifa ljóð eitthvað ‘að ráði’
Allavega, endilega segjið mér ykkar álit ;)

Cerberus vs. Stallion
Sound of a roaring thunder
Hooves gallop through a plane
This is a miraculous wonder
Missing this would be shame

Wild horses moving
To a safer place
No sound is soothing
Will they find grace?

Hundreds are running
Followed by a shadow
The stallion is cunning
Leading through a sunny meadow

Trying to shake
Off this devil
What decision to make
To rid them of evil

The herd gets tired
Foals lagging out
But the stallion is wired
The battle gets loud

Not ready to leave
The young ones to die
Needing to believe
To you I won’t lie

Fighting for his life
The stallion is brave
Razor sharp knive
Cutting his crave

The devil is dark
Evil and strong
Cerberus’s bark
Travels long

Three headed monster
Fighting a horse
Which one is stronger
Which will run its course?

For 200 hundred years
The fight now stands
Nothing but fears
Keeps this dog in the lands

Let’s join now together
And help this stallion
All we can weather
We need no valium

With our belief
Evil starts to fade
That’s a relief
We’re rid of such hate

The stallion now free
To run through the land
But what will he be
Where will he stand?

He stands alone
Proud and tall
In his home
He’ll never fall
Everyone believes in destiny… some just don't know it yet