I am going to write a poem about how it feels;
A poem about the inside everyone can’t see.

On the inside

When the hope gets turned down
And you feel it’s ok to drown
Like when you’re disappointed
Like when you’re thinking of death
When you need to feel the blood in your vanes
When you can’t take it anymore
Trying to live longer
Drying all the tears
You always fall down
You live in fear

No you can’t see it on the outside
It’s the inside that’s not right
Scared at night
Screaming out loud
For no one to hear
Nobody to fear
But you

It was you who did the person I am
I am just some shattered glass
A bunch of pieces
In different distances
Lost my hope
Screaming for help
But I realize
It’s the help I can’t get

It’s on the inside
Nobody can see
You can hide
And no one would seek
And when the trespasser asks
What the fuck is wrong
You can’t answer
You can’t tell
You’re hiding from yourself

Life must have a better place
Life must have a better option
For me to rest in peace
Though my life is misery
Though my life is bad
Though my cuts and scars won’t disappear
Though my mind tumbles
I won’t

It’s driving me insane
It’s making me feel sick
I can’t take it anymore
I’m feeling so sore
In the inside

Though I’m sometimes annoying
I take everything on me
Though you don’t know my inside
Though you don’t know who I am
I can’t express my feelings
I can’t let it down
It’s a burden
I’ll never get rid of
It’s a burden
That gets heavier every day

You can’t even
Be in my tracks
You can’t even wonder how
I can live in this crap.

Kristjana Erla Björnsdóttir
Þetta er ekki stolið
Ég lifi, en vil deyja og lifa meðal þeirra