Þetta átti í upphafi að vera texti við lag en þegar ég sá hvert stefndi áhvað ég að kippa undan því laginu.

Rain droppes on heads
of blind people,
driven by imagined batteries
of satisfactories

No matter what
anyone does,
to them we are all the same, shit
why should they care a bit

Satisfactories under control
of a world we think is free
we, the ants play our usual role,
nothing happens they don’t see.

Every war is fought
between satisfactories.
Everything that has gone wrong
they have carried along.

They have sent spies
to find out what
could make us feel better and better
but still keep us in fetter.

Satisfactories under control
of a world we think is free
we, the ants play our usual role,
nothing happens they don’t see.

Keep us in distance
but still so close
They’re able to play with our feelings
our thoughts and our believings.

My message here
is we gotta fight
to survive and make at last world peace,
destroy satisfactories.

Satisfactories under control
of the world we think is free
we, the ants play our usual role,
nothing happens they don’t see.

Boðskapurinn er að þeir sem virkilega stjórna heiminum séu stórfyrirtækin, fullnægingaverksmiðjurnar, sem sjá um að fullnægja þörfum okkar og treysta því að við förum eftir okkar einföldu rútínu meðan þær stjórna öllu sem gerist.