Ljóðin mín koma að mestu megni frá hjartanu, eins og er sagt þá gefa ljóðskáld heiminum alltaf pínu brot af sér í hverju ljóði og opna hjarta sitt! Ég skrifa oftast bara um það hvað ég er að hugsa og hvernig mér líður, þetta ljóð samdi ég um daginn þegar ég var að hugsa um gamla skólann minn reyndar…Þeir sem hafa séð þetta ljóð segja að þetta sé mjög sorglegt, en svakalega fallegt, ég veit í raun ekki hvað mér finnst um það, en þetta er bara því miður einn af mínum verstu óttum, svo já :)
All of the sudden,
All of my memories,
And my ugly past,
Comes flushing over me.
In one fast flashback,
I see my whole past,
Passing by,
In front of me.
I want to help her,
I really do, I want it so bad,
But only to see her face,
It makes me sad.
I see her crying,
And she’s screaming for help,
But no one will ever even try,
And that’s why, I cry.
I try to run over to her,
But don’t want to come to close,
I just stood there, looked at her,
And my body just froze.
Couldn’t do anything,
I couldn’t move, I couldn’t stand,
This is a feeling,
and it’s a quite new brand.
To me, a feeling,
That is really something new,
And it’s not so appealing,
From my heart, all emotions, is stealing.
I want to run to her,
Tell the kids to go away,
Tell her it’s ok,
Then I look around, and where are they?
I stand up,
And I run as fast as I can,
But it still was too late,
Oh how fast I ran.
Sleeping beauty,
Lying on the ground,
Move less,
Wide open eyes, big and round.
I see no movement,
And I hear no sound,
Only a puddle of blood,
That begins to grow.
Tears fill my eyes,
And the hater begins to grow,
How can these damn kids,
Lay so low?