This was an amazing night
I would give anything tor repeat it
I wish this wasn´t over
It ended so soon
And now I feel so bad
I lost you
Now you´re practically out of my life

I see you all the time
But it´s not the same
I miss you so much
I no linger see the twinkle in your eye
When you look at me
You made my life so happy again

i always felt good when I thought about you
But not anymore, because I blew it
Like I always do
If only you could forgive me
I´m human, I made a mistake
But I don´t blame you for not talking to me
I understand you completely

We seemed so right for each other
Although we´re so different
You always managed to make me smile
with your beautiful mind
And an attitude brighter than sunlight
But now, things are different
I hate myself because of this

Please forgive me
Ég finn til, þess vegna er ég